회원님과 비회원님께
Dear Guests & Members,

어서오십시요 !   " Morning Sun Cafe "   방문 환영 합니다
I hope some of the things you find at the Morning Sun Cafe will warm your soul and brighten your day.
Thank You for visiting. - C.K. Yu

Reading  a Book at Morning Sun Cafe


블러그를 사랑해주시는 여러분께 맘에드는 글을 발견하시면 댓글을 올리셔도 됩니다. 블러그를 하실분은 로그인을 하시고 이용해주시기 바랍니다.

To all bloggers:

If you find an article that you like we encourage you to share your comments through our blog. Please login to use this service.
Thank You for visiting. - C.K. Yu

감사 합니다
" Morning Sun Cafe "

바쁜시간에 변함없이 찿아주시는 귀한 발걸음 다시한번 감사드리며 방문하였다 가시는 그대의 뒷모습이 너무나 아름 답습니다

As you leave the " Morning Sun Cafe " I ask you to pause and think about some of the things on this page that make you feel warm inside and out.
Thank You for visiting. - C.K. Yu

Gooding Moring at Morning Sun Cafe


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There are no viruses, no spywares and there is no cost to view or share my pages with your friends and loved ones. Thank you for visiting. I hope you will come back soon - C.K. Yu